Drying Herbs

While most of us are used to the convenience of herbs year round, they are just as seasonal as vegetables. So if you find yourself with extra herbs in your CSA bag some weeks consider drying the leftovers to preserve them for future recipes!

Tip: Label everything! Dried leaves can all start to look the same after a while….

Air Drying

No special equipment required for this method. Simply hang the herbs upside down in a dry spot and let nature dry it for you. We’d recommend using a rubber band to securely tie the bunches as the stems often shrink while drying. You don’t want to find your herbs crumbled on the floor! If your house isn’t too humid, most herbs will be dry in 1-2 weeks. To test, simply crush a leaf in your palm, if it crumbles they’re ready!


If you’re going to be drying herbs in bulk, you might want to invest in a dehydrator. Simply lay the herb sprigs in a single layer on the trays and allow them to dry on the low setting for 2-4 hours. They will be crumbly when dry. Strip the leaves off the stem over a bowl to catch all the dried herb goodness.

How to Store

Any airtight bottle or container will do the trick. We often save the glass herb, sauce, and jelly jars and bottles from the grocery store to store our home dried herbs in. Don’t forget to label!